EM i lure coursing utsettes til høst 2020
På grunn av coronaviruset så flyttes årets VM i Ungarn til høsten 2020.
vi har mottatt følgende fra FCI:
Dear All,
First of all, I would like to thank for your patience in this difficult situation caused by the corona virus all over the world. I very much appreciate the quick response of the Hungarian Kennel Club President, the CdL President, CdL Secretary and also all CdL members for finding a solution for the ECC 2020.
In agreement of all CdL countries I would like to announce a new date for the FCI European Coursing Championship: 16/17/18 October 2020.
The venue remains the same: Tápiószentmárton, Kincsem Lovaspark.
Please be noted that this new date is still formally subject to approval by the General Committee of the FCI, we have great trust in their decision.
Thank you for your understanding! Take care of yourself!
With kind regards,
Emese Gyóllai
CdL delegate of Hungary
ECC 2020 Coursing Director
Vi kommer tilbake med mer informasjon rundt nøyaktig dato, landslag og evt uttak til landslag.